KPPL has focused on the needs of the farmers to make their day-to-day work easier in agriculture such as cultivation, packaging, storing & transportation of their agricultural produce.
Due to advancements in technologies, agricultural operations works far better when compare to that of normal practices which are carried out over the past
few decades.
Agricultural Packaging MANTRA LENO Bags helps farmers to prevent unnecessary waste during the processes of post-harvesting, storage and transportation. It ensures short and long-term stability between the farmers and consumers & delivers the harvested crop in the handiest approach without any loss. This packaging system enhances transportation planning and helps in advertising and raising the product worth, so resulting in higher sales.
Some crops are vigorous climbers and need to be secured to their support as they grow. Crop supporting twine helps the plant to grow strong and spread out without dropping, injuring the plant or invading another plant’s space. All varieties of vegetable crops gain several benefits from this support and plants are able to dry out more quickly, less ripening and harvesting is easier and faster.
Our agricultural products are biodegradable when it is disposed to landfill environments after its intended usage.